i've been extremely anxious lately. it's been causing me to stay up thinking at night and i always feel in constant worry. a lot of it is about my job - everything is always so busy and i'm constantly trying to understand my value and how i can be better. i'm still unclear of my passion and purpose in life so i think a lot of the turmoil i am facing is due to the conflict between what i am doing and what i truly love. i'm starting my mba in less than 2 months as well which is also absorbing my thoughts - i'm concerned how i am going to balance everything. my job alone is a lot more than a full-time 40 hour a week job - let alone adding 25+ hours of school work/studying on top of it. sometimes i wonder why i do the things i do. i think what makes things so difficult for me is that i am a perfectionist - so i try to do everything 110%. i've been praying a lot lately - asking for peace, guidance....a good night sleep. i am so thankful for the things i do have. i hate to sit and complain about all of this because i am so blessed to have a job and the lifestyle i am able to lead - but money is definitely not everything and i'm lacking content right now. please pray for me if you would.
in the mean time, i love to dream about the things i am passionate about....i'll share "some" of them below. these help me stay sane and find peace in the mist of my scattered thoughts and anxiety.

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